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Category: Life Insurance

San Francisco and California Life Insurance Attorney: Whole and Universal Life Insurance

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Whole and Universal Life Insurance Whole and Universal (a mix of whole and term) life insurance policies are sold by agents as tax-deferred savings vehicles. Often the sales pitch to younger consumers is for retirement or education savings.  For seniors, the pitch includes retirement savings and death benefits […]

Jan 10, 2017 - Annuities by |

Los Angeles Insurance Fraud Attorney: Indexed Annuities

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Are Indexed Annuities Just Over-Our-Heads Difficult? Indexed Annuities Annuities are complex financial instruments. So-called indexed annuities are even more complicated. Yet, these investments are made quite often, which means people could be investing in a product they simply do not understand. And the stakes are incredibly high; often […]

May 11, 2016 - Bay Area by |

San Mateo Insurance Fraud Attorneys: Life Insurance

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Unclaimed Property in Life Insurance Policy Usually, insurers do not have to research whether the insured passed away and give the payment to the beneficiary. But in the case of annuities, insurance companies routinely check the social security death database, and when one of their annuitants has died, […]

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