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Category: Consumer fraud

Jan 5, 2023 - Consumer fraud by |

San Francisco Bay Area Consumer Attorneys: CFPB Orders Wells Fargo to Pay $3.7 Billion for Mismanagement of Auto Loans, Mortgages, and Deposit Accounts

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER CFPB Orders Large Fine Fine Includes Redress For Consumers And Penalty The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) was created by the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank) enacted in 2010.  Under Dodd-Frank, the CFPB was charged with protecting consumers against abuses related to credit cards, […]

May 27, 2022 - Banking Fraud by |

San Francisco Consumer Attorney: California Attorney General Rob Bonta Pursues Unclaimed Property

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER AG Files Suit Against Urgent Care Provider Alleges Millions In Unclaimed Overpayments Alleged Violations Of Unclaimed Property And False Claims Acts California’s Attorney General Rob Bonta has made enforcement of consumer protection laws and consumer rights a major focus of attention of the California Department of Justice.  Sometimes, […]

Mar 15, 2022 - Consumer fraud by |

California Consumer Attorney: Ending Forced Arbitration of Sexual Assault & Sexual Harassment Act

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER House Passes Important Measure Access To Courts For Survivors Of Sexual Assault And Harassment Holding Perpetrators And Corporations Accountable The constitutional right to a jury trial is provided by the Seventh Amendment; forced arbitration deprives aggrieved parties of that right.  Corporations, employers and others use forced arbitration clauses […]

California Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: SEC Senior Guide Helps Seniors Protect Themselves Against Fraud

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER SEC Offers Important Suggestions For Senior Investors Know The Investment Professional Or Salesman You Deal With Ask Questions And Never Be Rushed Into Decisions The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in recent years has focused considerable enforcement efforts on financial elder abuse and fraudulent investment schemes aimed […]

Oct 30, 2020 - Consumer fraud by |

California and San Francisco Consumer Attorney: Discrimination And Interest Overcharges In Home Lending

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Protecting Minorities From Discriminatory Practices Fair Housing Act Prohibits Discrimination On Basis Of Race, Color, Religion, Sex Or National Origin Fighting Against Discrimination Part of the long history of racism in this country includes discrimination in housing, including the availability of mortgage financing.  The federal Fair Housing Act […]

Apr 7, 2020 - Class Action by |

San Francisco and California Plaintiffs’ Attorneys: The Importance Of Class Actions In The American Economy PART IV

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER The Future of Class Actions Amending the Federal Arbitration Act Over the past three weeks, we have shared the insights of Vanderbilt Law School Professor Brian T. Fitzpatrick on the importance of class actions to maintaining fair business practices in America’s economy, particularly the consumer sector. See The […]

Alameda County and California Life Insurance and Consumer Attorney: Lost Life Insurance Policies

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Lost Life Insurance Policies There are millions and millions of dollars in life insurance benefits that go begging every year. A series of investigations and audits by a multistate task force recently tallied $7.5 billion in unclaimed benefits at the country’s 25 largest life insurers. The task force […]

Feb 29, 2020 - Class Action by |

San Francisco and California Plaintiffs’ Attorneys: The Importance Of Class Actions In The American Economy PART III

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Empirical Evidence of the Effectiveness of Class Actions Data Shows Societal Benefits Statistical data demonstrates the effectiveness of class actions in achieving two important goals: (1) compensation for persons who have suffered economic injury and (2) deterring corporate misconduct. Indeed, the statistics show that nothing else compares to […]

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"We contacted Evans Law Firm when we were unable to collect on a Long-Term Life Insurance policy for an elderly family member. Ingrid responded almost immediately with an offer of a free consultation. I was immediately impressed with her passion for justice!!"
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