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May 12, 2014 by |

Los Angeles Area Man Arrested on Financial Elder Abuse Charges


People attending a financial seminar in Los Angeles got more than they planned for when one of the guest speakers was arrested. The guest speaker was arrested on financial elder abuse charges. Jose Carbajal, the guest speaker who was arrested, is a 45 year-old financial advisor. Los Angeles financial elder abuse attorneys remind the public to check out the credentials of financial planners prior to placing your money in their care.

The defendant in this case was being investigated for taking money from individuals and a Baptist church. In August of 2013, an elderly victim called the Sheriff’s station to report that she believed that the defendant had taken money from her. The defendant was managing an investment account for the elderly woman. The IRS sent the elderly woman a tax bill for $125,000. The tax bill resulted from a large monetary transfer related to her investment account. The IRS bill alarmed the elderly victim, who then called authorities. Los Angeles financial elder abuse attorneys say that she was smart to take action when she suspected something was wrong.

After being alerted by the elderly woman, detectives began investigating the defendant’s activities. At that time detectives learned that the defendant was a certified financial advisor and that he may have victimized other people and a Baptist church. A warrant was issued and the defendant’s home was searched. The police seized records while at the home. Los Angeles financial elder abuse attorneys warn the public to be careful who you trust with your financial information.

Last week detectives discovered that the defendant was scheduled to be a guest speaker at a financial planning seminar in the Los Angeles area. Detectives became concerned that the defendant would use the speaking engagement to victimize more people. An arrest warrant was prepared and the District Attorney’s Office filed charges against him on Friday of last week. The defendant was arrested at the financial planning seminar on Saturday. The bail was set at $325,000.

Evans Law Firm, Inc. handles elder abuse, financial elder abuse, physical elder abuse, annuity fraud, consumer fraud class actions, insurance and banking fraud cases. If you think that you have witnessed or are the victim of elder abuse, or financial fraud then contact Evans Law Firm, Inc. at 415-441-8669 for a free and confidential consultation, or email us at

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