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Category: Elder Abuse

May 14, 2015 - Caregiver by |

Duties of a Conservator

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER A conservatorship can be established for someone who can no longer adequately take care of his or her personal care or finances. California Law requires all conservators to have a copy of The Judicial Council of California’s “Handbook for Conservators,” which includes a description of conservator duties. Duties […]

May 6, 2015 - Elder Abuse by |

San Mateo County Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys Say Bank Employees Can Play Significant Role in Preventing Financial Elder Abuse

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER San Mateo County financial elder abuse attorneys say that bank employees can play a significant role in preventing financial elder abuse. Bank workers can often be the first, and possibly only, people in an elderly person’s life who is in a position to detect financial exploitation. Financial exploitation […]

Feb 26, 2015 - Elder Abuse by |

Nursing Homes Facing Elder Abuse Lawsuits File for Bankruptcy, Say Sonoma County Elder Abuse Attorneys

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER North American Health Care, which is based out of California and operates 35 nursing homes throughout the Western United States, has filed for bankruptcy protection. More than 15 elder abuse lawsuits have been filed against the chain since 2013. Sonoma County elder abuse lawyers and other plaintiffs’ attorneys […]

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