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Nov 28, 2015 by |

San Francisco Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers, Medi-cal


San Francisco Nursing Home Abuse Attorneys Discuss the State of Elder Care

It’s well known that the tech boom has driven up costs for everyone and everything in San Francisco. Apartments, groceries, bridge toll, and now, advocates say, nursing home costs. California Advocates for Nursing Home Reform, CANHR are leading a charge against what they claim is a growing practice of nursing homes transferring residents on reduced Medi-cal rates to acute care hospitals, and then refusing to allow them back in. In an attempt to increase their revenue, some nursing home are willing to essentially dump their tenants out in the hope of filling their place with wealthier clientel.

Medi-cal and Nursing Homes

Our San Francisco nursing home abuse lawyers know that, for a long time, medical professionals and elder care staff have had a love-hate relationship with Medi-cal. On one hand, the program increases access to funds for their services and allows more people to be taken care of. On the other, those who accept Medi-cal patients are forced to accept lower costs, and can get locked in, using all of their time to look after patients for whose care they are getting paid painfully little. The case of unskilled practitioners who make their money off Medi-cal patient by performing quick and shoddy work is widely known. Now it looks like nursing homes in one of the wealthiest and most expensive cities in America are starting to feel the pressure of caring for the poorest people in the community

Why we need to fight it

As we’ve written about elsewhere, the difference in income between seniors can be vast, and too many elders have trouble paying the exorbitant costs of nursing homes in the bay area. They are forced to choose between relocating to somewhere far away from their support network of family and friends, or trying to live on impossibly small budgets, and n constant risk, on their own. CANHR and other advocates are fighting for the rights of elders to be properly cared for, even as the state and nursing homes fail to uphold their legal right to be readmitted. The plaintiffs in their suits have won their readmission hearings, but the state has declined to enforce the decission, and the nursing homes refuse to allow them back in.

Who can you call?

Evans Law Firm in California is a Plaintiff’s firm that specializes in nursing home abuse, elder law, financial and physical abuse, annuity, insurance, and investment fraud, consumer protections, and whistleblower and qui tam cases. Contact us for a free consultation by calling (415) 441-8669, or by email a

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