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Jan 19, 2023 by |

San Francisco Elder Abuse Attorney: When Caregivers Endanger Seniors Physically And Steal From Them


Physical And Financial Elder Abuse Of Elder In Wheelchair

Caregiver Arrested On Multiple Counts 

Theft And Reckless Endangerment Charges

Sadly, there are dishonest persons hired as in-home caregivers for the elderly who spend their time stealing from their patients instead of caring for them.  Incidents of caregiver abuse often involve both physical abuse or neglect and financial elder abuse.  Indeed, the physical abuse or neglect can be part of the financial abuse scheme as when a caregiver keeps a senior out of it by excessive medication or uses threats of abuse as a way of extorting money or gifts.  Or a caregiver may be so fixated on stealing from the senior that actually caring for them means nothing.  Whatever the explanation, the combination of physical abuse or neglect and financial elder abuse is a twisted, often fatal nightmare for a defenseless senior.  Here at Evans Law Firm, Inc.  we fight for seniors who are victimized by any kind of abuse including cases where the abuse is frankly across the board.   If you or a senior loved one has been the victim of any kind of elder abuse, including neglect, physical, emotional and financial elder abuse here in San Francisco or elsewhere in California, call us today at (415)441-8669.  Our toll-free number is 1-888-50EVANS (888-503-8267).

Simultaneous Physical And Financial Abuse

One recent case gives a graphic example of seniors suffering multiples forms of abuse at the same time.  In the case[1], an elderly woman called 911 for herself and presented at the hospital ER with visible wounds to the tendons and bones in her legs, and had live maggots in the wounds. The emergency room physician told her that her leg might have to be amputated. According to police, the woman’s caregiver was not there when her elder charge called 911, and the victim later told investigators she’d been alone in the house for several days prior to hospitalization. She said she’d lain in bed for several days, soiling herself, before calling 911 in extreme pain. While she was hospitalized, her son and daughter-in-law accessed her bank account to make some transactions on her behalf, and they noticed something other than the victim’s physical condition was amiss.   Ultimately, the woman’s son reportedly identified $4,780 in unexplained transactions made in the elderly woman’s bank account.  Security video footage allegedly showed the caregiver using the victim’s debit card to withdraw money from an ATM even while the woman client was in the hospital after the caregiver had allegedly abandoned her for days.   According to police reports the caregiver was arrested and charged with fraudulent use of another person’s PIN 10 or more times within 180 days, theft, fraudulent use of a credit card and criminal mistreatment.

Pursuing Parties Responsible For Elder Abuse

Whenever you suspect any type of abuse of an older loved one, neighbor, or friend, report suspicions of elder abuse to the police and Adult Protective Services immediately and call qualified elder abuse counsel.  Official reporting is important, but victims and families should pursue all civil remedies available to senior victims under California elder abuse law, and the public authorities cannot prosecute those civil claims for you.  Such claims might include claims against the agency or nursing home who employed an abusive caregiver, for example.  Our lawyers handle elder abuse cases of all varieties and know the remedies and extra damages to which you or your victimized loved one is entitled.  Our lawyers also understand that multiple parties may share in responsibility for any abuse. But with respect to all claims against all accountable parties, there are relatively short statutes of limitations so you need to act immediately when you think anything may be wrong.   In addition to all legal and equitable remedies, California courts also award attorneys’ fees to victimized seniors in certain cases and this can ease the burden of bringing a suit. 

Contact Us

Ingrid M. Evans and the other San Francisco elder abuse attorneys at Evans Law Firm, Inc. represent seniors and their families against any persons or businesses responsible for the abuse. Ingrid and our other elder abuse attorneys can be reached at (415) 441-8669, or by email at

[1] Evans Law Firm, Inc. was not involved in any way.

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