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Category: IRS Whistleblower

Jul 25, 2021 - Evans Law Firm by |

California and San Francisco IRS Whistleblower Attorneys: Reporting Tax Fraud Can Mean A Reward

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER IRS Loses $1 Trillion Every Year To Tax Cheats Individual Whistleblowers Rewarded When IRS Recovers Protection From Employer Retaliation Charles Rettig, Commission of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), reported this Spring that the United States is losing approximately $ 1 trillion in unpaid taxes every year.  This so-called […]

May 25, 2021 - Evans Law Firm by |

Los Angeles IRS Whistleblower Attorneys: IRS Rewards For Reporting Tax Fraud Keep Going Up

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER IRS Made 169 Whistleblower Awards In 2020 $86.6 Million Awarded Last Year Whistleblower Protections From Employer Retaliation The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Whistleblower Office pays money to people who blow the whistle on corporations who fail to pay the tax that they owe.  The Whistleblower Office continues encourages […]

Dec 16, 2020 - Evans Law Firm by |

California False Claims Act Whistleblower Attorney: Mortgage Insurance Fraud And False Claims Against The Government

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER $24.9 Million Settlement Of Mortgage Lending Requirement Violations  Lender Allegedly Issued FHA-Insured Loans To Ineligible Borrowers Whistleblower To Receive $4.98 Million Reward Fraud committed by mortgage lenders in government-insured home loans constitutes violations of applicable federal home lending and housing laws and regulations and the False Claims Act.  […]

California Whistleblower Attorneys: Federal Whistleblower Programs Reward Whistleblowers And Protect From Employer Retaliation

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Primary Federal Whistleblower Laws And Programs  Whistleblower Awards Available Under Each Whistleblower Program Whistleblowers Also Protected From Employer Retaliation The federal government has a variety of whistleblower programs rewarding Americans for coming forth with information of fraud or false claims against the government.  Each of these programs also […]

Oct 16, 2020 - Evans Law Firm by |

California and San Francisco Whistleblower Attorneys: Submitting Information Of Tax Fraud To The Government

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER How You Submit Information Of Fraud To The IRS  Understanding The Process Protections From Retaliation Whenever an individual has information of significant tax evasion, he or she may be eligible for a reward if the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) ultimately collects from the delinquent taxpayer based on that […]

Aug 31, 2020 - Evans Law Firm by |

California and Marin Whistleblower Attorneys: How Whistleblowers Are Rewarded for Information on Offshore Tax Avoidance and Other Tax Fraud

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER IRS Targets Offshore Tax Avoidance And Other Tax Evasion Schemes Billions Lost Every Year To Tax Fraud Whistleblowers Rewarded For Assistance Over the past several years, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has targeted offshore tax avoidance as perhaps the largest drain year after year on tax revenue. Corporations […]

California and San Francisco SEC Whistleblower Attorneys: SEC Whistleblower Awards Under Dodd-Frank Act Pass The $500 Million Mark

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Securities and Exchange Commission Rewards Whistleblowers Any Securities Fraud Can Be The Basis of a Whistleblower Case Awards Under Dodd-Frank Act Growing In June, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) awarded $50 million to an individual whistleblower who provided detailed, firsthand observations of misconduct by a company, […]

Jun 30, 2020 - Evans Law Firm by |

California and San Francisco Whistleblower and Tax Fraud Attorneys: Whistleblowers Rewarded for Information on Offshore Tax Avoidance and Other Tax Frauds

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Offshore Tax Avoidance And Other Tax Evasion Schemes Billions Lost To Tax Fraud Whistleblowers Rewarded For Assistance Over the past several months, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) announced several new enforcement initiatives against tax evaders. One was the creation of a special task force of agents dedicated exclusively […]

California and San Francisco SEC Whistleblower Attorneys: SEC Whistleblower Awards Pass The $400 Million Mark

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Securities and Exchange Commission Rewards Whistleblowers Any Securities Fraud Can Be The Basis of a Whistleblower Case Reporting Domestic And Offshore Securities Fraud<h3> In April 2020 alone, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) awarded $34 million to whistleblowers who blew the whistle on securities fraud here in […]

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